The Blog by Sven "Immo" Bischoff of I-Mod Productions.
The Team - Yesterday and Tomorrow
Published on July 13, 2008 By [I-Mod] Sven In Galactic Civilizations II

If I look backward to the establishment of our Team and to the work we did at the beginning, compared with I-Mod today, I am proud of us and our development so far.

We started in autumn 2006 as the 3-man “X3->GC2 Modteam” (Stefan, our old Admin Christian and me) shortly after that, Stefan and me talked for the first time about founding a mod-team, shortly after that “I-Mod Productions” (for all who wanna know it: ‘I-Mod’ stands for “Intelligent Modding”) was born, with first only one admin and two directors, but it existed. I closed my own modding-team “Modfabrik” and integrated my former member Dennis aka. “Catman” (as creative-artist) into it. Isochronal, Stefan hired Torben (as programmer) and Marcel aka. “Crux” (as story-writer).
In december Lukas aka. “Cronk” joined us (as modeler).

On the 1st of january 2007 at 0:00h I-Mod Productions was officially founded with own domain as the modder- and modding-network it is known today.

We worked hard together and got very far with “Rise of the Gerandor Republic” the former X3GC2-Mod and then it happened…

Christian had to leave us, causing on a new job he found. So we hadn’t got a platform anymore. But like the phoenix out of the ashes, I-Mod rised, with help of Torben and his workplace “Globe-Network” to that what we are today.
Soon after our “rebirth”, we gained a pro programmer and a pro-texturer and modeler: Marcus aka “Mr.Korx” and Oleg aka. “Refar” joined us.

So we started faster and stronger as ever before and all our prayers became heared; Stardock engaged us for their next GC2-Addon.

After all that, I only can say that I am extraordinary proud of Stefan, Torben, Marcel, Dennis, Lukas, Marcus and Oleg and a little bit of myself too, that we came so far yet.

-Sven aka. Immo

on Jul 13, 2008

Love the work you do! Keep it up!

on Jul 14, 2008

Hey, is someone missing from that article...